User Manual

Table of Contents

Horn rules stating dependencies over Knowledge Graph can be used for identifying errors or adding new facts. For example, the rule child(object,subject) → parent(subject,object) states that if person A is child of person B, then B is parent of A. This type of rules is called positive rules and it aims to enrich the Knowledge Bases with new facts, while the opposite type - negative rules - is used to detect errors. If a set of triples in a graph satisfies a negative rule, then there must be at least one incorrect triple among them. For example, the rule child(subject,object) & birthYear(subject,v0) & birthYear(object,v1) & >(v0,v1) → ⊥ states that parents cannot be younger than their children.

There are different algorithms to discover horn rules over Knowledge Bases, as a consequence there are many rules generated from many experiments over time. With the aim to store and share discovered rules as well as to expose them with metadata, RuleHub allows users to easily search for rules, add new rules, and export them in different formats.

1. Show rules

Displays rules in the system with following information: 
Allows users query rules based on following criteria:
Rules by default display in a table with 5 columns: rule type, rule content, quality evaluation, human confidence and computed confidence. To view all information of a rule, users can click on its content. 

Provides addition features on found rules:

2. Add rules

To enrich our rules database, we allow anonymous users to add rules into the system with following mandatory information:

The system firstly checks if this rule exists in the corpus or not. If this is a new rule, it will automatically calculate the support score based on the number of matching cases and not-matching cases over the corresponding Knowledge Base, then store it into the database as invalid rules. Therefore these rules will not be displayed in the Show Rules tab until they are approved by the administrators.

3. Rule Administration

Only accessible by administrators of the site.

3.1. Export rules

A shortcut to quickly export all valid rules in the corpus in JSON format.

3.2. Import rules

Import massive rules to the corpus. Administrators must specify the source (AMIE or RuDik), then they can import rules into the system using following format.
Rules without the support score will be calculated automatically, otherwise using the score provided in the file. Existing rules will be ignored. 

3.3. Rule Management

Where the administrators can approve and edit scores for rules. Changes here will be up-dated into the database immediately.
Similar to the Show Rules tab, it provides criteria for searching rules.

Features provided in the results: